Products & Solutions > WIND TURBINE >

Customer Made Wind/Solar Hybrid Power Systems

* System Solutions designed according to customer requirements and cost budget.
* System designed based on the actual solar, wind and weather conditions of the installing position.
* High efficient mono solar PV;
* High efficient wind turbine;
* Patented smart controller;
* Professional Engineering and customer service team.

Detail >

We offer customer made wind/solar hybrid power system solution range from 1KW to 50KW according to requirements and budget of our customers. 

To help you get the most workable system solution,you just need provide some basic parameters to our engineering team as following:

* Monthly or daily energy demand;

* Project budget;

* Detailed installing position or the solar and wind conditions of the installing position;

For more detailed conversation, please contact with our sales engineer and fill in our 《Inquiry Form》.....